The expansion of teleworking
Resulting from a change in working habits as well as an increase in its demand, teleworking has become an integral part of our society. In fact, nearly one in five workers will be teleworking in 2018. With the COVID-19 crisis of 2020, we cannot deny, the growth that this working method will have. According to several surveys already carried out, 60% of workers would like to keep two days a week of teleworking in their daily life.
Balancing personal and professional life, telework does not hide its many advantages. However, there are two types of teleworking methods: home-working and coworking.
The advantages of teleworking?
Telework is a new way of organizing your work. Thanks to the evolution of technology and communication, it is mainly used by employees who wish to work in a different space than their usual professional office. This new way of working is therefore experiencing real growth.
According to various surveys, teleworkers are in general less stressed than regular workers. This new way of working is profitable for both employees and employers. It is also known that teleworking inevitably reduces absenteeism and lateness at work.
But since there are many different ways to telework, which one to choose?
The difference between coworking and homeworking?
You have to reach coworking, even if the location is chosen close to your home, you still have to travel to access it.
When you’re home working, you’re directly at your ‘workplace’ of the day.
The social bond:
One advantage of coworking is that it brings you into contact with other people from different sectors. Coworking is not only about employees, it is also about self-employed people. This makes it even more diverse in this kind of space. So in addition to keeping a social link, this place is conducive to cooperation and mutual aid between each member.
When you do homeworking, you sometimes find yourself lonely. No more social connection, except through social networks.
Coworking means that you have people who are essentially there to work. As a result, your productivity considerably increases.
When you homework, productivity is much more present than you think. This is linked to the less number of trips that you have to make.
As explained, you are never alone in a coworking. It is therefore easier to talk with people and thus to get away from what you are there for. So you must be disciplined to work and be productive.
It is also the case for home-working, you have to discipline yourself. Home working requires this skill, because we know that there is a lot of distraction, between laundry, cleaning and other daily tasks.
Would you like to know more about coworking? Our article ‘All about coworking’ will be perfect for you!