Where Can I Find a Cooperative Coworking?

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Coworking coopératif

Are you looking for a cooperative coworking, where sharing is the watchword? At WAO, cooperation is very important. Coworking is part of a process of sharing values and helping each other.

Definition of coworking

A coworking in general is a space for exchange between a community of freelancers. Moreover, this word means working together. Indeed, these self-employed people are therefore people who share a workplace without hierarchy, politics or competition. This is why it is defined as a workplace where collaboration and autonomy are the 2 pillars.

What is a cooperative coworking?

Coworking is therefore necessarily a cooperative basis. But this cooperative aspect can be accentuated. In addition, in some coworking such as WAO, their philosophy is based on cooperation. The main objective of a cooperative coworking is to connect its members. Together they can develop their projects. Indeed, we are all someone’s customers. Because of their attraction for the same coworking, coworkers share common values among themselves and with coworking. Indeed, these common points can lead to partnerships that allow them to develop projects.

What are the means used by WAO to make coworking cooperative?

The means used are diverse. WAO first of all seeks to increase its community but also to strengthen the one it already has. Indeed, every week WAO organizes an afterwork between coworkers.  This makes it possible to develop mutual support between coworkers. Secondly, this event increases collaboration among coworkers. WAO also offers special events that help grow this idea of a cooperative space. The principle is to increase the community through these events and to facilitate exchanges between partners, members and WAO team. Cooking also increases community spirit. Members can cook together and even share their meals. WAO is trying to develop this idea of sharing as much as possible. Create your own events by discovering our offers.

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